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Bike Rally

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Saturday, June 22th, 9am - 11am

@ Southminster Presbyterian Church


Hosted by Southminster Presbyterian Church 

in participation with Crestwood Police

Bike riders of all ages are welcome.

-Bring your helmet, bike, and water bottle

-Helmet checks by HelmetsFirst!

-Bike inspections by Sunset Cyclery until 9:45 am

-Kiddie Corner with bike wash! Big wheels & Training Wheels

-"Rodeo" Course on the Parking Lot

-10:15 Race Time!  Toddler Races & slow & Drag Races for youth & adults

-10:30 Crestwood Bicycle Police

-10:45 am Snacks & snow cones provided by Southminster Church

10:45- Neighborhood Bike Ride with the Crestwood Bike Patrol


The Mehlville Lions Club has donated bikes to giveaway for kids in need. Please reach out at if you are aware of a child who needs a bicycle. 


Registration required & Parents must sign permission/waiver form


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Christmas in July

Sunday, July 28 After Sunday Worship

What is that chill in the air? Is that Santa I see?  

It is the Christmas Celebration at Southminster Presbyterian Church!

Sing carols, Christmas crafts, sno-cones, and so much more. 

Join us as we celebrate the Holiday season in warmer weather! 


Want to support the ministry of Southminster as we seek to transform lives for Jesus here and abroad? Click the link to donate today!



Interested and want to see more? Worship is at 10:00am every Sunday. Children of all ages are invited to Sunday School after the Time with Children in the service.


 Have a question or thought? We are here to serve. CLICK HERE to have all your questions answered!

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©2023 by Southminster Presbyterian Church

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