Bike Rally

Saturday, June 22th, 9am - 11am
@ Southminster Presbyterian Church
Hosted by Southminster Presbyterian Church
in participation with Crestwood Police
Bike riders of all ages are welcome.
-Bring your helmet, bike, and water bottle
-Helmet checks by HelmetsFirst!
-Bike inspections by Sunset Cyclery until 9:45 am
-Kiddie Corner with bike wash! Big wheels & Training Wheels
-"Rodeo" Course on the Parking Lot
-10:15 Race Time! Toddler Races & slow & Drag Races for youth & adults
-10:30 Crestwood Bicycle Police
-10:45 am Snacks & snow cones provided by Southminster Church
10:45- Neighborhood Bike Ride with the Crestwood Bike Patrol
The Mehlville Lions Club has donated bikes to giveaway for kids in need. Please reach out at if you are aware of a child who needs a bicycle.
Registration required & Parents must sign permission/waiver form

Christmas in July
Sunday, July 28 After Sunday Worship
What is that chill in the air? Is that Santa I see?
It is the Christmas Celebration at Southminster Presbyterian Church!
Sing carols, Christmas crafts, sno-cones, and so much more.
Join us as we celebrate the Holiday season in warmer weather!